Karya Ilmiah
DISERTASI (177) - Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Terkait Kewenangan Mahkamah Agung Dalam Upaya Hukum Kasasi Atas Putusan Bebas Perkara Pidana
This dissertation entitled "The Constitutional Court Related Authority of the
Supreme Court of Cassation In Acquittal on Criminal Case" The research in this
dissertation concern the practice article 244 the Law of Criminal Procedure,
Decree of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia Number M. 14-
PW.07.03 dated December 10th 1983, jurisprudence, and the Constitutional Court
decision No. 114/PUU-X/2012 dated March 26th 2013 raised legal issues
regarding the philosophical basis of the authority of the Supreme Court, setting
cassation against the acquittal of criminal case and the acquittal impact in the law
of criminal procedure againts existence of the Supreme constitution verdict No:
114 / PUU-X / 2012 dated March 26th 2013. Approach used is normative research
methods to approach law (Statute approach), Conceptual approach (Conseptual
approach), and the approach to the case (case approach). This research concluded
that acquittal is the protection of the rights of suspects / defendants as subjects not
an objects that need to be protected reffered to Pancasila point 2, article 28 D
paragraph (1) Constitution of Republic Indonesia and article 95 paragraph (1) and
artickle 97 Paragraph (1) the Law of Criminal Procedure. Sothe acquittal need to
be maintained and raised in Amendment Act No. 8 of 1981 on the Law of
Criminal Procedure.There is a conflict of norm or contradictory in cassation on
the acquittal in the Supreme Court Act between Article 30 appropriate with article
253 paragraph (1) the Law of Criminal Procedure with article 50 paragraph (2)
and article 52 Supreme Court Act, so its appropriate if changes rule in the
Supreme Court Actby deleting Article 50 paragraph (2) and Article 52 the
Supreme Court Act.
Keywords : regard to an acquittal, cassation, supreme court, court constitution.
031170150 | 177 | Ruang Disertasi | Tersedia |
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