Karya Ilmiah
TESIS (2110) - Keberadaan Akta Notaris Yang Berbahasa Asing
Indonesia was a great maritime country that estimated have 200miliion
citizen. This is a law country and the stone of this country is Undang-Undang
Dasar 1945. Indonesia also active in foreign country and was member of plenty
Internasional Organization. One of organization that Indonesia follow is Asean
Free Trade (AFTA). The goal of this organization is make cheaper product
between the member. Hongkong is the first country that use this system even not
join the AFTA.
Long time ago notary is person or organization who do to write important
this for people. Indonesia knew notary brought by Dutch when they acquired
Indonesia before 1945. Just few of warga bumi can be a notary and it was limited
time to time, even after Indonesia was declared the independency notary
organization in Indonesia just have few member. Because the important of legal
act in Indonesia so back than it can be done by “kepala desa” for urgent matter.
As economic global also coming in Indonesia many foreign come to
Indonesia for business and investment. Foreign also want a legal security for their
trust. Notary is one of the functionary that make legal binding.
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