Karya Ilmiah
TESIS (1699) - Upaya Hukum Pemegang Hak Tanggungan Akibat Hapusnya Hak Atas Tanah yang Diagungkan
This thesis takes two formulation of the problem, namely: what efforts can be done
creditor rights holders dependents to anticipate the abolishment of tenure, which
pledged? and what its legal effect for creditors if the mortgage holder of land rights
are pledged to remove?
Efforts can be made by holders of Mortgage lenders in anticipation of the
abolishment of the right on the ground that collateral is the inclusion of power in the
land in question APHT, where it has been possible to in Article 11 paragraph (2)
letter d Act Mortgage.
If the Mortgage to be removed will have the legal effect of creditor rights holders
Dependents, which are initially positioned as a preferred creditor as security holders
material because the material APHT as collateral agreement has the principle of
absolute / absolute, droit de suite, droit de preference, specialties and publicity, then
the abolition of Mortgage changed a concurrent creditors who have the right
individual a right arising from general guarantee or warranties arising from statute as
stated in Article 1131 BW.
030710315 | 1699 | Ruang Tesis | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - Digudangkan |
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