This dissertation title : “Sharia principles in Murabahah Agreement in Islamic Banking”. In this dissertation, the writer suggested the function and nature of Islamic principles (Sharia), whi…
medical treatment is not only the art of treat diseases but also the art of serving healthcare to patients. The nature of the profession work in the field of medical treatment must be distinguish…
ABSTRAK Dalam disertasi ini isu hukum yang dikaji (1) filosofi pengujian dalam penggunaan kewenangan pemerintahan, (2) prinsip-prinsip hukum sebagai dasar pengujian kewenangan pemerintahan, da…
ABSTRACT This is research lacking generally aims find a form of legal arrangements relating to the setting of punishment of children in the child protection perspective, therefore research is …
ABSTRAK Izin Presiden Atas Pemeriksaan Tindakan Maladministrasi Pejabat Negara Dalam Konteks Prinsip HAM Penyelenggara negara adalah pejabat negara yang menjalankan fungsi eksekutif, legisla…
Indonesian Inheritance Law system is remaining pluralism. It is devided into three different legal systems, among others Customary Inheritance Law, Islamic Inheritance Law and BW Inheritance Law.…
master the state, is also based on the concept of recognition and protection of the rights of indigenous people. The legal issues discussed in this paper are the philosophical basis of the protec…
fathers of Indonesia is a strong unitary state, which still appreciate regions and autonomous regions are Special, and upholding the values of democracy and human rights by placing the People's C…
This reseacrh focused as follows: (1) Ratio legis of giving of territorial autonomy status to the local government in a unitary state; (2) The principle of the division of competence to the local…
ABSTRACT THE AUTHORITY OF THE JUDGE TO INTERPRET IN CONTRACT DISPUTE Mohammad Zamroni The contract dispute often arises because of the interpretation differences. When the contents …