Penelitian disertasi ini mengangkat isu hukum berkenaan dengan landasan filosofis adanya perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) terhadap lingkungan hidup dalam konservasi sumber daya alam. Demikian…
Infrastructure is among the important part of the advancement of a country. With adequate infrastructure, the economy will grow faster due to cheaper, easier and more efficient flow of trade tran…
Sub section (1) Corruption Law. As a part/bestanddeel of corruption formulation “unlawfulness self enrichment or other person or corporation” where it is called facet unlawfulness. Meaning va…
This research aims to analyze and find out the characteristics of ship sell and purchase contract through the involved parties in mechanism of shipbuilding and sell and purchase of second-hand sh…
ABSTRACT The Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) represents a long term partnership of the government and private sector. In BOT project, either the government or a private sector identifies a n…
ABSTRACT The legal issues of this research consist of philosophical ground of the consensualism principle in land procurement for development for the sae of public interest; the characteristics…
ABSTRACT Prescribing grant of the Right to Build on the land under Ownership Right is basically encumbrance of the right over land carried out by the holder of the ownership right over his/her l…