Inquiry of criminal act is the earliest stage in the enforcement of criminal law in Indonesia that plays an important role in the successful completion of a criminal act. Although the research of…
This dissertation raised the issues being examined and analyzed are related to the fulfillment of the Rights of Indigenous People in National Investment Laws. The central issue is divided into tw…
Constitutionalism and democracy are the principles that underlying judicial review by the Constitutional Court. The principle of constitutionalism, especially in institutional or structural appro…
The purpose of this study was to know and analyze and find the philosophical basis of criminal acts settings journalists writing in social media; and to analyze liability conviction for a journal…
Paragraph (1) of Article 1 of the Indonesian Notary Law states that: "A notary is a public official authorized to produce authentic deeds, as well as to perform other tasks stated by this statute…
This dissertation entitled "The Constitutional Court Related Authority of the Supreme Court of Cassation In Acquittal on Criminal Case" The research in this dissertation concern the practice arti…
This title dissertation is "Independence of Judge In Applying Punishment for Specific Minimum Punishment". This dissertation research raised the legal issues about position and autonomy of the ju…