Plant Varieties Protection Act has not yet accommodated the protection of local varieties and has not provided benefit sharing for farmers and the local community as the owner of the local variet…
The background of this research is the legal uncertainty after the MKRI verdict Number: 21 / PUU-XII / 2014 on April 28, 2015 which has added pre-trial object with the determination of suspects, …
Penelitian ini bertolak dari adanya kecenderungan masyarakat di perbatasan negara Indonesia-Timor Leste dalam mendorong penyelesaian sengketa internasional berbasis hukum adat. Kecenderungan peny…
Law, Prosecutor Law, UU PP TPPU, that the law gives the prosecution authority to the prosecutor Prosecutor, except for corruption cases prosecution authority is also given to the KPK. As a conse…
The Law of Judicial Power has not regulated the legal principles of Audi et Alteram Partem, while the rules in HIR are still vague or blurred. The dissertation research focused on three issues: T…
The title of this research is Sentencing on Criminal Defamation. This research focused as follows : (1) Ratio legis of Criminal Defamation, (2) Ratio Decidendi of court ruling against criminal de…
The purpose of this research is to discover the principles of the Fisheries Judiciary integrated reform through the solemnization of the Indonesia judiciary system, in accordance with the basic p…
Indonesia is a welfare State Country, as a welfare state, the position of the goverment is not only as the one who have the authority but also as the public services, so must take an active role …