Geographical indication as a legal regime in the area of intellectual property rights has a distinct characteristic from other regimes of intellectual property rights. It is the natural and/or hu…
-The dissertation is intended as an alternative choice for the settlement of International Humanitarian Law violations, known as a war crime. With the position of the individual as the main subje…
-This dissertation analyzed for real about characteristics of an entity, either a legal or the non legal entity which all were discussed in the same outline of corporate crime responsibility. It …
Pajak sangat penting bagi negara dalam memenuhi anggaran, yang diperlukan untuk membiayai penyelenggaraan pemerintahan. Ketersediaan anggaran oleh negara melalui penerimaan pajak sangat menentuka…
-The authority of provincial and municipal/city government in the land matters has shift due to the changes of regulation related to local government. At the time of Law Number 22 year 1999, the …
The correlation between the right to good and healthy environment and the human rights identifies from the result of historical, theoretical and philosophical analysis. Historically, the human’…
Tanah merupakan karunia Tuhan kepada manusia untuk diusahakan, dikelola dan dimanfaatkan guna memenuhi kebutuhannya, agar tercapai kesejahteraan atau kemakmuran bersama dengan berkeadilan. Oleh k…
Trafficking in persons has grown, not only between regions within the territorial jurisdiction of the union but was traded internationally, are transnational in nature and involves an organized c…
The principles of administrative law underlying the procedure of Tax Court is rechtmatig presumption principle, vrij bewijs principle, dominus litis principle, erga omnes principle. The procedura…
Corruption still occurs in Indonesia, although law enforcement has been done exxceptionally. If it is carefully observed, the main target of the Law on Corruption Eradication (UUPTPK) is the civi…