This reseacrh focused as follows: (1) Ratio legis of giving of territorial autonomy status to the local government in a unitary state; (2) The principle of the division of competence to the local…
ABSTRACT Discretion of the Head of Region in the Implementation of Regional Government that Implicates Deprivation Discretion head of region that implicates public deprivation which is an eco…
In accordance with legal issues that have been defined, the findings of this research are (1) the term of office of the head of the region should be limited so that the head region can carry out …
Pengaturan keterbukaan informasi perpajakan memberikan wewenang kepada pemerintah yang dilaksanakan oleh otoritas pajak untuk mendapatkan akses yang luas atas informasi keuangan dari lembaga keua…
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji mengenai kedudukan hukum keuangan Desa dalam sistem tata kelola keuangan negara, hal ini dikarenakan menurut penulis, ada terjadi perbedaan dalam …
Adanya perbedaan pemaknaan pasal dalam undang-undang tindak pidana korupsi khususnya Pasal 2 (1) dan Pasal 3 Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2001 tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 19…
The legal issues discussed in this study are: 1) philosophical background of social welfare regulations and state responsibility in actualizing social welfare; 2) legal principles of human rights…
Legal issues raised: 1) Authority to establishment the Local Regulation that based on characteristic of the region, 2) Ratio legis and parameter of the control of Local Regulation that based on c…
-The issue of the tax debt collection to the bad faith Taxpayers resulted in tax revenues that are not optimal. Final effort to do in order to overcome the problem of tax debt collection is hosta…
The dissertation takes title, “The Position of Provincial and District/Municipality Governments in the Formation of Regional Regulation”. The dissertation is concerned: (1) “Ratio legis” …