Pengaturan mengenai merek di Indonesia diatur dalam Undang-undang Nomor 15 Tahun 2001. Berdasarkan hak eksklusifnya, pemilik merek dapat mengeksploitasi haknya dengan cara menggunakan sendiri mer…
Trademark is one of the most important intellectual properties. A registered trademark has high economic value as it is used by individuals or legal entities by displaying them in the form of l…
Geographical indication as a legal regime in the area of intellectual property rights has a distinct characteristic from other regimes of intellectual property rights. It is the natural and/or hu…
Indonesia telah mengesahkan Persetujuan Pembentukan Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia melalui Undang Undang Nomor 7/1994. Salah satu Agenda Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia yang Terkait investasi adalah Per…
Indonesia is a country abundant in cultural diversity. There were appropriation by other countries, among others, Enigmatic Discovery Channel in Malaysia, the I La Galigo stage performance in Sin…
The importance of copyright protection in this age of globalization is beyond doubt. The rapid development of information technology allows people to use creative products very easily, in example…
Investasi langsung merupakan bentuk penanaman modal oleh investor asing dengan cara pendirian perusahaan dengan modal berupa equity, melakukan manajemen langsung dan menanggung resiko secara lang…