Submitting a request for a bankruptcy petition against the guarantor starts to attract the interest of banks in settling debts. Judging from the decisions of granting or rejecting the application…
Permasalahan hukum dalam penelitian ini adalah: (a). Hakikat risiko overmacht bagi Para Pihak dalam suatu kontrak; (b). Prinsip pembagian beban risiko akibat overmacht dalam kontrak dan (c). Rati…
Suatu perjanjian pendirian perusahaan patungan dibuat mendahului pendirian perusahaan patungan yang berisikan kesepakatan yang tertuang dalam sebuah joint venture agreement, perjanjian ini dijadi…
The transgenic plant seed is a seed produced from the genetic engineering process by crossing genes over to produce the improved version of the plant’s properties. The existence of transgenic p…
Pre Project Selling as a real property marketing system for under construction house basically requires law foundation since the positive law and regulation, particularly in Indonesia, does not e…