The transgenic plant seed is a seed produced from the genetic engineering process by crossing genes over to produce the improved version of the plant’s properties. The existence of transgenic p…
Pre Project Selling as a real property marketing system for under construction house basically requires law foundation since the positive law and regulation, particularly in Indonesia, does not e…
Asas pemisahan horisontal dalam hukum tanah nasional mempunyai makna filosofis untuk memaksimalkan fungsi tanah bagi kehidupan masyarakat. Eksistensi asas pemisahan horisontal a…
This research aims to analyze and find out the characteristics of ship sell and purchase contract through the involved parties in mechanism of shipbuilding and sell and purchase of second-hand sh…
ABSTRACT The legal issues of this research consist of philosophical ground of the consensualism principle in land procurement for development for the sae of public interest; the characteristics…
medical treatment is not only the art of treat diseases but also the art of serving healthcare to patients. The nature of the profession work in the field of medical treatment must be distinguish…
Perjanjian pinjam-meminjam merupakan bentuk paling mendasar dalam hukum perdata. Proses ini dimulai dengan adanya persetujuan antara pihak-pihak yang terlibat; tanpa persetujuan tersebut, perjanjia…
AYDA adalah aset yang diperoleh Bank baik sebagian atau seluruhnya dengan cara pembelian melalui pelelangan maupun diluar pelelangan berdasarkan penyerahan secara sukarela oleh pemilik agunan a…