Prevention and eradication of corruption in Indonesia has been done using various approaches but there is one problem that until now has not received the attention of the legislator. Permanent si…
This Dissertation is titled “Proof of the element of state financial loss on corruption”. This dissertation’s research concerning with proof of element of state financial loss on corruption…
State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) really there are at all points in all the world this. Even in state which ideal growth economic with liberalism and capitalism economic system where effort property…
Penentuan locus delictie dalam perkara cybercrime berkaitan dengan penentuan yurisdiksi (cyberjurisdiction) untuk menerapkan hukum pidana suatu negara serta berkaitan kompetensi pengadilan untuk …
Bukti Permulaan yang Cukup (BPC) ternyata tidak diatur dengan jelas berdasarkan Pasal 1 butir 14 dan Pasal 17 KUHAP dan Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 2010 tentang Pemberantasan dan Pencegahan Tinda…
The title of this dissertation is "Third Party Asset Confiscation in Corruption". The research aimed was analysing a meaning of asset confiscation to a third party in corruption as provided for i…
This study is a normative legal research using the Law regulatory approach, a conceptual approach to a comparative approach and a case approach. This study uses primary legal materials and second…
particular with regard to the provisions of Article 44 B paragraph (1) of UU KUP, which regulates the termonation of criminal investigation in the field of taxation on the basis of tax payment al…