The aim of this research are the first is to find the similarity and the differentiation in bank foreign investment regulating in Indonesia and Malaysia; the second is to discover the caracter of…
Buyback sebagai suatu aksi korporasi berupa pembelian kembali saham yang telah dikeluarkan oleh suatu perusahaan dalam pelaksanaannya telah dicover oleh Undang-undang Perseroan Terbatas sebagai a…
Konsep hukum bahwa pranata arbitrase sebagai suatu bentuk alternatif penyelesaian sengketa, memiliki kompetensi absolut berada diluar kewenangan pengadilan teryata senantiasa menghadapi batu sand…
Olahraga Profesional khususnya sepakbola telah menjadi sebuah industri bisnis dalam era globalisasi terutama di negara-negara eropa seperti Inggris, Jerman, Spanyol dan Italia dan di Asia seperti…
The existence of foreign investment has significance roles and contribution over the economic growth of the developing countries. Issues relating to foreign investment in the latter half of the 2…
The development of Criminal Law contributes to the ackowledment of corporation as subject of criminal law aside from natural law. The existence of corporation has the advantage that it is not bei…
This research is a normative law research by using a conceptual, statute approach and case approach. In the philosophical context, the revocation of political rights has a purpose to protect publ…
Industrial relations are expected to be applied harmoniously and can have benefit for all the industrial relations participants themselves. In fact, the industrial relations practice is not alway…
The legal issues discussed in this research are: (1). The philosophy of personal responsibility of the Board of Directors of Limited Company based on Act Number 40 of 2007; (2). Model of personal…