Maritime cabotage is not a novel principle. It is a customary international law that bestowed privilege to coastal States to implement it or not in their domestic shipping. A coastal State which im…
legality. The Equitable principle is a equitable solution in delimitation overlapping sea boundaries between the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic Democratic of Timor Leste. The legal issues…
Indigenous people are the world‟s poorest, most marginalized and disadvantaged people. Indigenous people are the same as other communities in general, they are entitled to proper education for …
Disertasi yang berjudul Konstitusionalisme Piagam ASEAN: Perjalanan Panjang Menuju Hukum Komunitas ini membahas bagaimana Piagam ASEAN mengubah ASEAN yang semula hanya sebagai organisasi fungsiona…
ABSTRAK FUNGSI ASEAN DALAM PENANGGULANGAN KEJAHATAN TERORISME Terorisme termasuk salah satu jenis kejahatan internasional, dimana kejahatan tersebut melibatkan lebih dari satu negara yang di…