The definition of taking control over the country based on UUPA, mineral and coal regulations, other natural resources law and decision of constitutional court which is essentially to give rights…
This research will discuss the issues related to the philosophical foundation and the ratio legis that legalized the abortion due to rape, it’s implications and the legislation policy of aborti…
ABSTRACT This dissertation discusses three interrelated legal issues of Indonesian women migrant workers, which are: (1) the principle of state responsibility on legal protection for TKIW; (2) …
ABSTRCT The investigation authority on the crime of corruption act This research analyzed the investigation authority on the crime of corruption act possesed by three (3) law enforcement intitu…
In accordance with legal issues that have been defined, the findings of this research are (1) the term of office of the head of the region should be limited so that the head region can carry out …
ABSTRACT The title of this dissertation is “Principles of Settlement of Medical Malpractice Through Mediation”. This dissertation deals with two central legal issues, namely the essence of…
The dissertation is titled "Rehabilitation of Victims of Abuse of Drug Addicts for Criminal System In" which is based on the juridical-normative research approach to statuted, the conceptual appr…
Restorative Justice sebagai Primum Remedium dalam upaya pengembalian Keuangan Negara. Selain itu, penelitian ini bertujuan pula untuk menemukan Ratio Decidendi Putusan Pengadilan dalam upaya peng…
The title of this dissertation is “Seizure and Confiscation of Property For Perpetrators of Corruption Which Is Considered As Bankrupt’. The aim of this research is to analyze and find Philos…