ABSTRAK Dalam disertasi ini isu hukum yang dikaji (1) filosofi pengujian dalam penggunaan kewenangan pemerintahan, (2) prinsip-prinsip hukum sebagai dasar pengujian kewenangan pemerintahan, da…
ABSTRAK Izin Presiden Atas Pemeriksaan Tindakan Maladministrasi Pejabat Negara Dalam Konteks Prinsip HAM Penyelenggara negara adalah pejabat negara yang menjalankan fungsi eksekutif, legisla…
fathers of Indonesia is a strong unitary state, which still appreciate regions and autonomous regions are Special, and upholding the values of democracy and human rights by placing the People's C…
This reseacrh focused as follows: (1) Ratio legis of giving of territorial autonomy status to the local government in a unitary state; (2) The principle of the division of competence to the local…
This dissertation discusses the Dispute Parties in Indonesia, that is the arrangement of Law and Dispute Resolution Practice According to the Political Parties Act Nomor 2 Year 2011 concerning Po…
ABSTRACT The Principles of Village Administration in the System of State Government after the Enactment of Law Number 6 Year 2014 on Village Yok Sunaryo, S.H., M.H. The development…
ABSTRACT Discretion of the Head of Region in the Implementation of Regional Government that Implicates Deprivation Discretion head of region that implicates public deprivation which is an eco…
In accordance with legal issues that have been defined, the findings of this research are (1) the term of office of the head of the region should be limited so that the head region can carry out …
Pengaturan keterbukaan informasi perpajakan memberikan wewenang kepada pemerintah yang dilaksanakan oleh otoritas pajak untuk mendapatkan akses yang luas atas informasi keuangan dari lembaga keua…
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji mengenai kedudukan hukum keuangan Desa dalam sistem tata kelola keuangan negara, hal ini dikarenakan menurut penulis, ada terjadi perbedaan dalam …